Super Fan

Super Fan is a viral card flourish from an OG Vietnamese cardist Lượng Anh, this tutorial is filmed with his permission. If you're into cardistry, surely you have seen this fan performed by instagram or tiktok cardists before. They get millions of views thanks to this incredibly visual move, and now so can you. The fan itself is iconic, because it appears from out of nowhere, and the only prerequisite is the faro shuffle.

A few days of training and you'll master this move in no time, however a fair warning for those using new decks - this flourish has a tendency of bending cards in a weird way, so make sure you're using a deck you're fine with destroying pretty quickly.

Deck used: ZDV2.

You can learn how to do Super Fan by Luong Anh on December Boys right now and free of charge.

Artist Alexander and Nikolay
Difficulty Medium

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