Cardistry Basics

Back when we started, we'd have loved to have a beginner guide like this. With so many cardistry tutorials out there, it's really hard to figure out what to do first. Make sure you watch our video covering 5 basic beginner level tips till the end. Get access to more unique cardistry tutorials with the purchase of Z Deck, our first playing cards.

0:42 all classic grips (dealers grip, straddle grip, biddle grip, z grip)
2:35 enhancing overall dexterity by mastering dribbles and spreads and finishing with shuffles, fans, waterfalls, springs and moves like SemiFlo or Buzzsaw
4:35 flourishes with one card - twirls, pirouettes and throws. Learn some here
4:55 one-handed cuts. Here's some basic flourishes we taught before. Here's an example of an advanced one
5:39 two-handed cuts and advanced flourishes. We teach a lot of these. Check out the entire playlist

This tutorial works for magicians as well. If you plan auditioning for Penn and Teller or America's Got Talent shows, the last thing you'd want to happen is cards dropping in the middle of your card trick on live TV simply because you didn't learn how to hold or shuffle the deck properly. No joke, this happens more often than you think.

You can learn the cardistry basics on December Boys right now and free of charge.

Artist Alexander and Nikolay
Difficulty Medium

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