Card throws
Card throws

Learn 5 ways how to shoot, throw or flick playing cards from one hand to another and complete your Harry Potter cosplay look with some mad skillz. Very epic. 

Inspired by Andrei Jikh's consulting work, we decided to share five of our favourite and easy methods of throwing a playing card into thin air. All of these can be used to mimic what Daniel Radcliffe's character did in the Now You See Me 2 movie scene. Most of these are beginner level cardistry moves, including the snapshot throw by Andrei which we try to learn ourselves at the end. If you were looking for a card throwing tutorial, this is where it's at. Get access to more unique cardistry tutorials with the purchase of Z Deck, our first playing cards.

0:26 intro
0:51 flic
2:20 backdrop by Kevin Ho
3:10 buck shot by Dave Buck
3:46 flicker shot by virtuoso + tips on hot shot card by Daryl
4:57 black hawk

Check out Andrei's video HOW TO FLICK A CARD like HARRY POTTER in Now You See Me.

Learn Buck shot along with Ferris flourish by Dave Buck here.

Pick yourself up a copy of the Trilogy by Dan and Dave Buck.

Learn Back drop by Kevin Ho here.

Learn Black Hawk card shot/throw here.

You can learn how to do throw playing cards on December Boys right now and free of charge.

Artist Alexander and Nikolay
Difficulty Easy

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