Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3
Smoke and Mirrors v3

Smoke and Mirrors v3

In front of you is a real gem. These decks of third edition in Smoke & Mirror series were released in November of 2009 and sold out within days. These will never be reprinted and their price grows steadily with each day.

Smoke and Mirrors v3: Luxury Edition are unique playing cards with dominance of black colour in elegant design, produced by renowned card flourishes Buck Twins and illustrator Si Scott. Luxury Edition feature the best available coating and were printed using the most advanced technologies of Ohio United States Playing Card Companу, which proves its superiority over other brands. Exquisite back design, custom court cards, Ace of Spades and Jokers look like nothing else. Besides, these cards have Aristocrat finish, which makes them unequally smooth and long lasting.

Smoke & Mirrors v.3 are the real treasure in luxury segment of US playing cards. Limited quantities available. Read here and here to find out, why cardists value cards from Cincinnati, Ohio old USPCC factory so much.

To buy Smoke and Mirrors v3: Luxury Edition playing cards by Dan and Dave, please select the quantity of decks and add them to your shopping cart. Then go to your cart, follow the instructions provided and proceed to checkout to place your order. Find out more on how to purchase playing cards and other goods with shipping in Kyiv, Ukraine, Europe and the rest of the world on our website.

Manufacturer The USA, The United States Playing Card Company, Dan and Dave Buck
Stock Two layers of custom paper with coating
Finish Aristocrat Finish
Run 10,000 decks

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