Invisible Thread
Invisible Thread
Invisible Thread
Invisible Thread
Invisible Thread

Invisible Thread

If you've ever dreamed of making objects float and shock your friends, Invisible Thread is exactly what you need. This incredibly thin thread will bring your magic game to a whole new level. The thread we offer is 6 meters long, and can be split into 142 separate thin threads ready for immediate use. It’s sturdy and can't be spotted when used properly.

Included with the Invisible Thread, you will receive detailed instructions in English on setting everything up. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. And if you want to learn how to levitate small objects, you can do so by clicking here.

To buy Invisible Thread, please select the quantity of decks and add them to your shopping cart. Then go to your cart, follow the instructions provided and proceed to checkout to place your order. Find out more on how to purchase playing cards and other goods with shipping in Kyiv, Ukraine, Europe and the rest of the world on our website.

Manufacturer The USA
Material Thread

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