We're 9 years old!


We've been meaning to film a video sharing our personal selection of best playing cards for some time. Our top list features 12 different decks. You decide whether it's fair or not, meanwhile to celebrate our birthday we're giving away an entire brick and a collection of stickers for free our channel.

There's just one winner in the giveaway, so we don't want to limit ourselves to this contest only. We'll draw 12 more decks for 12 best reviews for goods in our shop. Have you already bought something on our site or there's some insight you can share with others? Leave your opinion in our shop in the comments field under the description of any given item. We'll give away 12 decks for 12 best* reviews. Such rare ones as JAQK, OriginVirtuoso F/W 17Rarebit along with some cards from our private reserves which are not even available in our shop will be up for grabs. Your reviews for some newer additions (first 1-7 pages of the shop) are valued more than the others. Make sure you've logged in to your site account before posting a comment (we don't count the ones you left via your Facebook profile). 

UPD. The winners are: Jacobuis Redding (comedy gold reviews mate!), luuk.swinkels2@gmail.com, faustinefraysse, Devansu Mishra, Мария Бражник, Alexey (12cortez15), Виктор Шевченко, Мілан Грабар, Владислав Данилов, Алексей (oreomobileplayers), Slava, Антон (jokertony777). Please send us your full address via email (db [at] decemberboys.com.ua) by July 15 2019 and we'll ship you your prizes. Should you not provide us with your address in time, your prize will be redistributed for our next giveaways. 


Eyeing a deck of playing cards for yourself or looking for a collector's box as a gift? This week up until June 30 is your chance to save 15%. Use the code 9years at the check out in the 'discount code' field - shopping with us is as cheap as it gets!


We started working more actively on our blog and publishing videos on our channel! In our last post we covered enhanced shipping time (the timelines officially are still the same 1-4 days, however the majority of items are being shipped the next day now), prior to that we shared our memories from Cardistry-Con, published an interview with Dan and Dave Buck and told you that the American playing card factory USPCC was sold. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop!

Thanks for your support. Happy Birthday to us!

* - best according to our, December Boys administration, subjective opinion. The same user is eligible to win several decks with several entries. The shipping is on us. Good luck!
